Automatically change output module file name

What type of scripts do you need?

Moderator: byronnash

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Posts: 16
Joined: March 25th, 2009, 4:01 pm


I have been working on a massive project that requires hundreds of lower thirds and my wrists allready hurt from all that typing. =)

After finishing the actual design, my workflow has been like this:

1. Add the output composition to the render queue and use a output module preset to give the module the filename of the project.

2. Save the project with a new file name.

3. Replace the old text with the new one.

4. Save.

This has been a nice workflow for me, because I have only needed to enter the name for the lower third in the filename (while "saving as") and the output module has automatically gotten that same filename.

The only problem is that after making all the necessary projects I would like to import them all inside one empty project file and just hit render to start the render queue (all the output modules are already in place because they import correctly with the projects). But now, in the new project, the output module names have changed to reflect the name of that empty render project (and not the project they were originally created in).

Would it be difficult to create a script to solve this problem? I'm thinking, the correct file names for the output modules still exist in the project window folders that AE creates in the import process. Could the output module names be grabbed from those folders somehow? Or is there any other way to avoid typing in all the output module names a second time (I have typed them already once when saving the project since I want to use the same names for both my projects and my output files)?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Posts: 16
Joined: March 25th, 2009, 4:01 pm

My first post might have been too complicated -sorry about that.

It would help me a great deal even if there was just a script that would automatically give my output composition the same name as the project has (after hitting a button in the script panel maybe). Is there anything like that available?

Your two posts are confusing. When you say you "output composition" do you mean an item in the render queue? And you want to add the main project name to the output? That can be done by setting the output file name settings (see below)

but is this what you're talking about?

outputfilesettings.png (18.63 KiB) Viewed 10437 times
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