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Position layers in z-space without changing the "look"

Posted: May 8th, 2008, 2:10 am
by ilmeri
Hi! I remember once finding a script that allowed one to position layers in z-space without changing the original 2D composition look, which basically means
scaling the layers bigger when moving them further from the camera. It sounds easy, but i have no experience in scripting and i can't find the script anymore.
Could anyone help? Thanks!


Re: Position layers in z-space without changing the "look"

Posted: May 8th, 2008, 4:51 am
by Paul Tuersley
Is this what you're looking for?

Re: Position layers in z-space without changing the "look"

Posted: May 8th, 2008, 7:53 am
by ilmeri
Ah, that's it! Thank you sir!
