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Script updates in viewport at every step!!!

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 10:30 am
by jaist
Hi, first of all i am new to this community and so i'd like to thank you all for providing insight and advice to the after effects scripting community.

Now, to the problem at hand: I have this script, it generates a footageItem (a solidsource) and then starts to add AVlayers with that.
The whole generation is divided into 2 for{} loops, the outer for columns and the inner for rows.

Now, i got it working and that's good, but somehow in the process the whole script started updating after every solid was created, slowing down the execution a lot.
It even seem that the speed is dropping in a logarithmic way, becuase the solids at the end of the loop are slow to appear (but that could be because of the updating with a lot of solids)

While i was writing this i got it working without the log speed decrease, But i can't work out the updating stuff.
Maybe that's my after effects that's being silly. Anyways, i can forward the script to someone but it's for internal use at my company so that means no free distributing.

Is someone willing to help?

Thanks a bunch and thank you again (Trackerviz is quite cool, i did a lot of that stuff manually before ;) )

Re: Script updates in viewport at every step!!!

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 10:57 am
by jaist
Seems like it was my After effects who was going crazy.
I really don't know why though.

I am implementinting a progress bar now, but i read here that progressbars in scriptui don't work on a mac.
Is it true?

Thanks a bunch


Re: Script updates in viewport at every step!!!

Posted: October 3rd, 2008, 6:12 pm
by jaist
Hi, just to ask: The stack overflow error is because i have too many expressions goin on right?
like 3 expressions (one being a sampleimage) every layer, 400 layers?