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Random 3d Text field with depth fade

Posted: January 26th, 2005, 1:52 pm
by byronnash
This script reads a user specified text file and
creates a text layer for each line of text in a
new comp called "Text Comp", or it uses the active comp.
- adds expression to control a random placement in 3d space
- adds expression to control a depth fade as the layer recedes from the camera
- creates a new camera and a null with sliders to control the effect

It's pretty basic but I hope someone can find it useful. ... _depth.jsx


controlling XYZ spread separately

Posted: May 16th, 2007, 11:57 am
by JoshBertrand
This script is AWESOME and is almost just what I needed.

I have about 500 text layers that I need to fly through in a more or less straight Z fashion (with some X and Y distribution to the layers for variety). Thus I really need a separate slider to control the X Spread, Y Spread and Z Spread. Is that possible? I'm attempting to modify the script myself to do that but I know I am making a mess of things and haven't gotten to work yet so I figured I'd ask.

Thanks SO MUCH for making such a useful utility!


Posted: May 16th, 2007, 12:23 pm
by JoshBertrand
I got it to work. I should have been more persistent prior to posting. Here's the file if anyone else needs to do that. ... th_xyz.jsx

I can't say how long that will be up as our IT guys make us clear that folder out now and then.

Thanks again!

Re: nm

Posted: May 17th, 2007, 8:39 am
by lloydalvarez
JoshBertrand wrote:I got it to work. I should have been more persistent prior to posting. Here's the file if anyone else needs to do that. ... th_xyz.jsx

I can't say how long that will be up as our IT guys make us clear that folder out now and then.

Thanks again!
Hey Josh,

You use the Code tag and paste the whole script here so it doesnt have to be hosted on your servers.


Posted: May 17th, 2007, 9:04 am
by pants
yes please post the code, i'd love to check this out.


Posted: July 17th, 2007, 9:58 am
by Atomic
I just tried it and it does create a composition with text, but I see nothing. :(

How do you make the text actually appear?

Posted: July 18th, 2007, 10:07 am
by Atomic
I have been playing around with the script as it stands and I was able to get text to appear.

The problem lies in the default values. They produce a black screen.

To see my text I had to set the Start Fade to -500, the End Fade to 500, the Spread to 250 and then move the camera around until something appears.

Also, set the z-position of the point of interest of the camera to something large like 1000-5000.

Hope this helps anyone new who is going to try this script.

Posted: August 23rd, 2007, 12:07 pm
by byronnash
Glad to hear that the script was helpful. I wrote that one a l o n g time ago and I'm sure it's very messy. I haven't opened it in a while.

could'nt find the script for the xyz-spread

Posted: October 16th, 2007, 7:49 am
by tobystecker
byronnash wrote:Glad to hear that the script was helpful. I wrote that one a l o n g time ago and I'm sure it's very messy. I haven't opened it in a while.
i just found your first script about this 3dtext-thing - and read the posts to it, but i could'nt find the modified script for the xyz-spread of the textlayers - i would really appreciate if someone could post it here or post a link where to find it!
it would be so much help for me, because i'm doing exactly something like this - a camera move through a field of keywords...

thanks a lot!


Posted: October 16th, 2007, 9:50 am
by lloydalvarez
Don't know why he never posted his code, but it's an easy enough tweak.. I have not had a chance to test this so tell me if you run into any problems..


Code: Select all

// Random3dText_w_depth_xyz.jsx
//Byron Nash 01/05
//The text reading/creating was borrowed from createTextLayersFromFile.jsx
// by Dan Ebberts
// This script reads a user specified text file and
// creates a text layer for each line of text in a 
// new comp called "Text Comp", or it uses the active comp.
// - adds expression to control a random placement in 3d space
// - adds expression to control a depth fade as the layer recedes from the camera
// - creates a new camera and a null with sliders to control the effect
// added x,y,z sliders 10/2007 lloyd alvarez


  // create undo group

  app.beginUndoGroup("Create Text Layers From File");

  // Prompt user to select text file

  var myFile = fileGetDialog("Select a text file to open.");
  if (myFile != null){

    // open file
    var fileOK ="r","TEXT","????");
    if (fileOK){

      // create project if necessary

      var proj = app.project;
      if(!proj) proj = app.newProject();
		//set currently selected comp to variable
        var myComp = app.project.activeItem; 

		//check to see if selected item is a comp, if not, make a new comp      
        if(proj.activeItem instanceof CompItem) {
        	var myComp = proj.activeItem;
      // create new comp named 'my text comp'
      var compW = 720; // comp width
      var compH = 486; // comp height
      var compL = 15;  // comp length (seconds)
      var compRate = 29.97; // comp frame rate
      var compBG = [0/255,0/255,0/255] // comp background color
      var myItemCollection = app.project.items;
      var myComp = myItemCollection.addComp('Text Comp',compW,compH,1,compL,compRate);
      myComp.bgColor = compBG;
		//setup controller null and add expression sliders
    	var controlLayer = myComp.layers.addNull();
    	controlLayer.startTime = 0;
    	controlLayer.enabled = false; = "Controller";
    	var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "X_Spread";;
		var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "Y_Spread";;
		var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "Z_Spread";;
    	var opacityMin = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "Start Fade";;
        var opacityMax = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "End Fade";;
      	var cam = myComp.layers.addCamera("Camera 1",[360,243]);//make a new camera
      // read text lines and create text layer for each
      // until end-of-file is reached

      var text;
      while (!myFile.eof){
        text = myFile.readln();
        if (text != "") {
        var curLayer = myComp.layers.addText(text);
        curLayer.threeDLayer = true;
        //define expressions on position and opacity
    	var posExp = 'seedRandom(index,true);\r'+ 
            		'x_slider = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("X_Spread")("Slider");\r'+
					'y_slider = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("Y_Spread")("Slider");\r'+
					'z_slider = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("Z_Spread")("Slider");\r'+
                	'midWidth = thisComp.width/2; midHeight = thisComp.height/2;\r'+
                    'x = random(x_slider,x_slider*-1);\r'+
                    'y = random(y_slider,y_slider*-1);\r'+s
                    'z = random(z_slider,z_slider*-1);\r'+
        var opacExp = 'depth = length(position,thisComp.layer("Camera 1").position);\r'+
                      'min = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("Start Fade")("Slider");\r'+
                      'max = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("End Fade")("Slider");\r'+
     	//add expressions on position and opacity"position").expression = posExp;"opacity").expression = opacExp;
 controlLayer.moveToBeginning();//moves the null to the top of the stack
 cam.moveToBeginning();//moves the cam to the top of the stack
      // close the file before exiting


      alert("File open failed!");
    alert("No text file selected.");


thanks a lot!!!

Posted: October 23rd, 2007, 8:16 am
by tobystecker
my spamfilter was blocking the mail from ae enhancers - so i just got it now - in the meantime i figured out a script by myself and it works - but i will try yours too - i let you know about how irt works, but thanks anyway!!!!
and here is my script - if you are using a english version of ae you should replace "Schieberegler" with "slider", because i'm using a german version of ae...

// Random3dText_w_depth.jsx - changed and extended by toby mory 10/07
//Byron Nash 01/05
//The text reading/creating was borrowed from createTextLayersFromFile.jsx
// by Dan Ebberts
// This script reads a user specified text file and
// creates a text layer for each line of text in a
// new comp called "Text Comp", or it uses the active comp.
// - adds expression to control a random placement in 3d space
// - adds expression to control a depth fade as the layer recedes from the camera
// - creates a new camera and a null with Schiebereglers to control the effect

// create undo group

app.beginUndoGroup("Create Text Layers From File");

// Prompt user to select text file

var myFile = fileGetDialog("Select a text file to open.", "TEXT txt");
if (myFile != null){

// open file
var fileOK ="r","TEXT","????");
if (fileOK){

// create project if necessary

var proj = app.project;
if(!proj) proj = app.newProject();

//set currently selected comp to variable
var myComp = app.project.activeItem;

//check to see if selected item is a comp, if not, make a new comp
if(proj.activeItem instanceof CompItem) {
var myComp = proj.activeItem;
// create new comp named 'my text comp'
var compW = 768; // comp width
var compH = 576; // comp height
var compL = 60; // comp length (seconds)
var compRate = 25; // comp frame rate
var compBG = [255/255,255/255,255/255] // comp background color

var myItemCollection = app.project.items;
var myComp = myItemCollection.addComp('Text Comp',compW,compH,1,compL,compRate);
myComp.bgColor = compBG;

//setup controller null and add expression Schiebereglers
var controlLayer = myComp.layers.addNull();
controlLayer.startTime = 0;
controlLayer.enabled = false; = "Controller";
var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "SpreadX";;
var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "SpreadY";;
var theControl = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "SpreadZ";;
var opacityMin = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "Start Fade";;
var opacityMax = controlLayer.Effects.addProperty("ADBE Slider Control"); = "End Fade";;

var cam = myComp.layers.addCamera("Camera 1",[360,243]);//make a new camera
// read text lines and create text layer for each
// until end-of-file is reached

var text;
while (!myFile.eof){
text = myFile.readln();
if (text != "") {
var curLayer = myComp.layers.addText(text);
curLayer.threeDLayer = true;
//define expressions on position and opacity
var posExp = 'seedRandom(index,true);\r'+
'SchiebereglerX = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("SpreadX")("Schieberegler");\r'+
'midWidth = thisComp.width/2;\r'+
'x = random(SchiebereglerX,SchiebereglerX*-1);\r'+
'SchiebereglerY = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("SpreadY")("Schieberegler");\r'+
'midHeight = thisComp.height/2;\r'+
'y = random(SchiebereglerY,SchiebereglerY*-1);\r'+
'SchiebereglerZ = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("SpreadZ")("Schieberegler");\r'+
'z = random(SchiebereglerZ,SchiebereglerZ*-1);\r'+
var opacExp = 'depth = length(position,thisComp.layer("Camera 1").position);\r'+
'min = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("Start Fade")("Schieberegler");\r'+
'max = thisComp.layer("Controller").effect("End Fade")("Schieberegler");\r'+
//add expressions on position and opacity"position").expression = posExp;"opacity").expression = opacExp;
controlLayer.moveToBeginning();//moves the null to the top of the stack
cam.moveToBeginning();//moves the cam to the top of the stack
// close the file before exiting


alert("File open failed!");
alert("No text file selected.");


Re: Random 3d Text field with depth fade

Posted: October 15th, 2008, 6:41 am
by habla
i just tried to use all different scripts that are posted here but so far none of them there an update or is this a dead topic?

Re: Random 3d Text field with depth fade

Posted: October 15th, 2008, 6:48 am
by lloydalvarez
The scripts work, what exactly are you experiencing? You can also try this script:


Re: Random 3d Text field with depth fade

Posted: October 15th, 2008, 7:08 am
by habla
getting errors on Line 2 and 5..but this one now from your site is working as always :-) biig thanks!