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How do i creat a custom effect?

Posted: December 15th, 2009, 2:21 pm
by tophateffects
Hi all
My name is Ran Ben Avraham.
my question is this:
Right now i have a preset that is applayed to an adustment layer.
The presets applayes some effects with expressions to that adustment layer.
And i have another layer, the layer that i want to aniamte.
To do that i need to manualy connect some of the layers parmeters to the adustment layers. (pickwhip the position for example to one of the effects applayed to the adustmant layer by the preset.wich automatecly creats a small expression).

I would like to creat a custum effect that needs to be applyed to the layer i want to animate.

That custom effect shuld creat:
1.The adustmant layer, wich shuld have a prefixed name. with the effects applayed to it and thaeyr expressions.
2.The expressions automatecly created when im connecting the layers, shuld be applayed to the premeters, for example - position.

Re: How do i creat a custom effect?

Posted: December 19th, 2009, 4:27 am
by Paul Tuersley
You may be able this with animation presets, as expressions can be saved in the presets. Making the expressions reference the other layer by index rather than name i.e. thisComp.layer(index+1) might work better.

Although it sounds like maybe the expressions go on a different layer and link to values in the effects on the adjustment layer. In which case you'd need two different animation presets, one for each layer. Or you'd need to write a script to do this all in one step, for example a script that applies the two animation presets for you.

And, no need to post your question four times. It'll get read wherever you post it.