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CS5 Dropdownlist issues/warning

Posted: May 10th, 2010, 11:39 am
by vfxman
This is more of a heads up to anyone using dropdownlists in old or new scripts that get run through CS5. I was noticing that my lists are not drawing outside the boundries of the window/panel. I filed this as a bug with Adobe already, but I somehow feel this was a deliberate choice only to keep the UI clean and in line with the rest of the AE GUI, which I can understand, but they didn't realize it would effect dropdownlist's like this. Oops. Anyway heads up if you use a dropdown now for CS5 on Leopard. I haven't had a chance to run this on Snow Leopard yet, but expect the same results.

Here are samples of what I'm talking about.

This would be a standard UI setup (for me at least) for a dropdownlist and a close button

As you can see, when I click the dropdown, it now chokes the list to stay within the window/panel and turns it into a scrolling list. Unfortunately here, you can't even see the items or the scroll bar.

Compensating UI to show list CS5:
This shot shows my new window set to a higher vertical amount to have enough space to show the list. Ugly as can be and not very friendly for the user to have in the way of their work.

But the list shows. :)

In CS4 this was not an issue. This is a nice small profile window...

And the list shows when you click it.

Re: CS5 Dropdownlist issues/warning

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:48 pm
by vfxman
Got an answer back from Adobe Bug Reports just now on this issue.
This is a known limitation of ScriptUI having a Flex (i.e., Flash)-based UI in CS5 -- contents can't overlap the edges of the "stage". Agreed that this is not pretty.

- aebugs

Re: CS5 Dropdownlist issues/warning

Posted: May 4th, 2011, 2:49 pm
by Simma
Does anyone have a workaround for this? I get this problem that if I press the dropdownlist when the boundries are to small, the scripts stops working. I have to close the UI and relaunch the script to get it to work. Anyone else have this problem?

Re: CS5 Dropdownlist issues/warning

Posted: May 4th, 2011, 6:12 pm
by vfxman
Sounds like a straight up bug. I've had it where if the panel is floating(not docked in the UI) and you toggle down a dropdownlist, then try to resize the panel window without selecting an item from the dropdown, it will lock up the script.

Feel free to send an Adobe bug report/feature request like I did: ... e=wishform