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Render evaluation

Posted: February 21st, 2011, 1:00 pm
by scribling
Would it be at all possible to create a script that could evaluate a render or even a frame and report the render time of each layer?

I'm thinking with a really heavy comp this would be a great way of evaluating which layers should be prerendered.

I guess if everything that ran through the info pallet during the render of a frame was kicked out to a log or file it could be easily determined.

PT has created great scripts for me in the past and ideally I'd like to have a script that puts a marker on the layer with the render time in it. Yeah?
This would just be the coolest thing every if I could open a pallet and tell the script to evaluate my comp every 40 frames or so and tell me how long each layer is taking to render.
It could put the full render time in a marker in the timeline and the layer times on the layers.

What do you think? Is anything like that possible?