How to attach shape to a path and make an arrowhead

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Posts: 2
Joined: September 20th, 2019, 11:29 am

Just sorted this out and wanted to share in case someone is looking for this and doesn't want to spend $30.
Comp_2.gif (45.13 KiB) Viewed 34040 times
1. Create a shape, I made a circle
2. Add a Trim Paths to put the arrowhead at the end (you don't need this here and could set the location to anywhere along the path)
3. Add polystar to your shape layer, set points to 3 (for a triangle arrowhead)
4. On your polystar set position to

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var p = content("Group 1").content("Path 1").path;
var pnts = p.pointOnPath(thisComp.layer("Shape Layer 1").content("Group 1").content("Trim Paths 1").end/100,time);
Obviously, replace those names with whatever you have. Eg, Shape Layer 1, Group 1, Trim Paths 1, etc.
5. On polystar set rotation to

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var p = content("Group 1").content("Path 1").path;
var tans = p.tangentOnPath(thisComp.layer("Shape Layer 1").content("Group 1").content("Trim Paths 1").end/100,time);
radiansToDegrees(Math.atan2(tans[1],tans[0])) + 90
Now you can animate your trim path end and the triangle will follow the end of the path, automatically orienting itself to the shape.
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