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Script Password needed when opening an especific AEP

Posted: October 16th, 2006, 4:26 am
by nerken
I need to make a scrit runned only with an especifics projects.

I did a simple script with a prompt asking for a password and i place it inside the startup folder.
It runs but the scripts shutdown after if you don't enter the correct password. And it works everytime.

I need the aep file founds a script, and if it's true, the file can be opened.

Thx, nerken

Posted: October 16th, 2006, 4:49 pm
by Paul Tuersley
Can you try and explain it a bit more...I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for.

Paul T

Posted: October 17th, 2006, 10:14 am
by nerken
I want to protect an aep with a key

when i open for example test.aep, i want the file prompt for a password.

The reason is to protect my aep, cause nobody else me can use it.

I'm thinking on a command line inside the aep source code (editing an aep with textedit) that calls an script. If the script isn't installed in that machine, the project can't be opened.

Or codificate a password request inside the source code of the aep project.

Thx for reply

Posted: October 17th, 2006, 11:39 am
by Paul Tuersley
You can't embed a script into an aep project file.

As you've seen, you could have a startup script that asks for a password, it could also make After Effects quit if it wasn't entered.

Also, you could write a startup script that tries to force you to open a project file using a script generated open dialog, so the script could decide whether to open the project or not.

But ultimately, all of that could be bypassed easily. You can usually quit out of scripts by hitting Escape. Also, a script can't run in the background while you work, and once the script finishes the user can open whatever he wants.

If you don't want people opening your project files, wouldn't it be simpler to just secure your project files? i.e. separate user account, removeable drive, password protected .sit archive.

Paul T

Posted: October 18th, 2006, 5:02 am
by nerken
yeah, i know how to protect it!

But my idea was to make an alert with my name, mail and phone number when somebody opens my projects anywhere.

U Know wich language uses AEP project or the encrypter?


Posted: October 18th, 2006, 5:41 am
by Paul Tuersley
Well I'm no programmer, but I'm pretty sure there's no way to do what you want. Even if you could somehow manipulate the code in an AE project (which isn't in a text readable format), the best you can hope for is that you don't end up with a corrupted project file.

You could always create a comp with your contact details on text layers. If you save the project with that comp open, it will be the first thing anyone sees when they reopen your project. Not a very fancy solution I'm afraid.

Paul T

Posted: October 19th, 2006, 1:15 am
by nerken
Finally, could I make an expression calling or executing a script?

It could be a way to lock my motions.

Another way I could script any project I'll do, no?
The problem will be the text properties... could i preset the text configuration, I mean the font, size, kerning... before opening a project? I know there's no way to control it with a script

Thx Paul

Posted: October 19th, 2006, 12:22 pm
by Paul Tuersley
Expressions can't call/execute a script. You can only run scripts by:

1. Selecting one from File > Scripts menu.
2. Putting a script in the AE7/Scripts/Startup or Shutdown folders
3. Externally from either a command line or applescript.
4. A script can run another script.

At least I think that's the complete list, but it doesn't help with what you're trying to do. There simply isn't any way to lock in ownership information or for anything to automatically happen when someone opens an AE project.

The are all kinds of ways you could put this information into the projects, text layers as I said, or the Timeline comments column, or layer marker comments, but you couldn't lock any of this in.

Not sure what you mean about the text properties. If you save a project with text layers in it, and the user doesn't have that particular font, it should automatically be substituted.

Paul T