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Global Values on parented layer putting

Posted: March 16th, 2007, 12:54 pm
by bexier
I posed this Question to Dan Ebberts.

due to the nature of my project It would really help if I could get a parented null to put out Global Values.

I am using an IK Setup that Brian Maffitt set up. His bones postion values depend on Rotation. and that rotation value depends on a target being moved. These targets are the only thing in the project that gets Global position values. every thing else relies on rotation to drive position (and the x and y never change.)

So since all position is local based on parenting and expression, is there away to get the global values? Or a way to get another layer to out put the global value of the something parented?

Dan had suggested the following, in my case it forced the object to return to its global position, but it was not longer where I needed it.

You need to use layer space transforms. There are a bunch of them, but you probably need toWorld(). They work like this:

L = thisComp.layer("your layer");

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 11:57 pm
by Mylenium
You probably need to convert the local rotations to world rotations using toWorldVec() or something, then derive the position from the normalized rotations.
