Tagging the same spot with different phone #s

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Posts: 3
Joined: September 27th, 2008, 3:34 pm

Sometimes I need to put a different phone # and URL on the same spot over and over again (Tagging). I found a script that will automate the process, but I'm not good with scripting, and there was no instruction on workflow. The script is suppose to read a text doc and create ISQI codes for the slate, and the phone numbers for the spot, then it creates a locator for AVID to help put them into place faster. I need to figure out how to save out the text doc for this. I also need to add a URL column to the text file. I hope someone can figure out how this works, it would save me many nights of going cross eyed. Here's the code.
Thanks in advance

////////// Templates /////////////////////////////////////////
// |
// This script takes the grid from client and uses it to make finished spots using prebuilt templates |
// |
// Grids need to be saved as tab delimeted text files |
// |

template = {};
VERSION = 1.0;
list = new Array;
tempSPOT = {};
tempGFX = {};
order = {};
compNum = 0;
Length = 0;
proj = app.project.items;
tc = "1:0:0" //no frames!
log = '';

run = 1;

title = '';
market = '';
code = '';

// get template comp id

for(x=1; x<=proj.length; ++x){ // get all comps in project
if(proj[x].typeName == 'Composition'){
if(proj[x].parentFolder.name == 'template SPOTS'){
tempSPOT[proj[x].name] = proj[x];
}else if(proj[x].parentFolder.name == 'template GFX'){
tempGFX[proj[x].name] = proj[x];


//get grid and read it. look at order of columns
//save each entry to list for later processing, alert if template doesn't exist
alert("Select the grid file. Must be converted to tab delemited text");
grid = File.openDialog("Select the grid file. Must be converted to tab delemited text" );

///////read grid and check for valid template///////
line = grid.readln();
line = line.split("\t");
if(line[0] && line[1]){
title = line[0];
code = line[1];
gfx = line[2];
if(tempSPOT[title] && tempGFX[gfx] ){
entry = { "code" : code,
"title" : title,
"gfx" : tempGFX[gfx],
"template" : tempSPOT[title],
"len" : parseInt(tempSPOT[title].duration),
m = "There is no template for\n";
m += "Spot: "+ title+"\n";
m += "Graphics: "+ backpage+"\n";
alert(m +"Program will terminate");
run = 0;


// save project as
// create render folder
// cycle through all entries and process
alert("Save a new version of the project,\nRenders and log files will be saved to this directory");
path = app.project.file.path;
Folder(app.project.file.path +'/Renders').create();
Folder(app.project.file.path +'/Avid Locators').create();

today = new Date();
formatDate = (today.getMonth()+1) + "/" + today.getDate() + "/" + today.getFullYear();

for(x=0; x<list.length; ++x){
slateC = list[x]["code"];
slateT = list[x]["title"];
len = list[x]["len"];

//make a new comp from template
comp = list[x]["template"].duplicate();
comp.name = ++compNum;

//enter new data into comp
comp.layer(1).property("Source Text").setValue(slateT);
comp.layer(2).property("Source Text").setValue(slateC);
comp.layer(3).property("Source Text").setValue(formatDate);
comp.layer(4).property("Source Text").setValue(':30');

//enter graphic

comp.layer(1).startTime = 20;

/////add to renderer
rq = app.project.renderQueue.items.add(comp);
outputModule = rq.outputModules[1];
outputModule.applyTemplate("Avid 2:1 RGB lawl");
outputModule.file = new File(path.toString() + "/Renders/" + comp.name + ".mov");

///update log and avid locators


//increment timecode


run = 0;

// tapeLog
// write Data to the tape log

function tapeLog (string){
if(Length == 0){
logFile = new File(path.toString() +'/Tape Logs/log'+tapeNum+ '.txt');
logFile.writeln( '\t| '+ pad('Timecode',15)+'| '+pad('ISCI',11)+'| '+pad('Spot',30)+'| ' +pad('Length',8)+'| '+pad('Phone Number',14)+' |');

// avidLocator
// write Data for avid locator

function avidLocator(){
id = slateT +' | '+ slateC ;
frame = (Length * 30) + 300;
if(Length == 0){
avidFile = new File(path.toString() +'/Avid Locators/lawl.txt');
avidFile.writeln('lawl\t'+ frame+ '\tV1\tred\t'+ id);
// tcDisplay
// format tc to look like timecode

function tcDisplay (){
display = '';

hours = 1;
if(Length >= 3600){
hours += parseInt(Length / 3600);
if(hours < 10){
display += '0'+hours+':';
display += hours+':';

minutes = parseInt(Length / 60) % 60;
if(minutes < 10){
display += '0'+minutes+':';
display += minutes+':';

seconds = Length % 60;
if(seconds < 10){
display += '0'+seconds+':00';
display += seconds+':00';

return display;

// tcIncrement
// take in the length of the current spot, add 60 seconds to it
// and increment the Length

function tcIncrement (spotLength ){
Length += spotLength;


function pad (string, padLength){

rString = '';
if(string.length > padLength){
rString = string.substr(0,padLength);
rString = string;
remain = padLength - string.length;
for(i = 0; i < remain; ++i){
rString += ' ';
return rString;
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