Folder object to string question

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Hey Guys,

Another quick question.

Im still working on a script to grab all my renders and shove them in a comp. Im using the file names to dertermine the layer order in the comp (eg character_L1_v01.tif, the L dertemines its order), so im trying to do some basic string functions.

var folders = theFolder.getFiles(); // get an array of the folders in the dir
var myString = (folders[1]); // grab the name of the first one
var x = myString.length;// get the length of characters in the name

All this does is grab the name of the folder in spesified directory, and the all i want to get is the length of the string name of the folder so i can run a loop to check each character for the information i want.

Q: I can't seem to use string.length function with folder objects?! Can i convert a folder object to a string?


Nick Deboar
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At the moment, you're trying to get the length property of the actual folder object (it doesn't have a "length" property); what you really want is to get the length property of the name, path, or absoluteURI of the folder object.


And you might have missed that JavaScript is zero-based, so the first object in this case will be at 0!

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Additionally, you may want to try using some of the built-in string scanning (e.g. indexOf() or split()) or regular expression functions rather than looping through the characters in a string. The implementation of the built-in functions are likely more efficient and easier to use.

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