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help, circular trajectorie expr. no modify the orientation.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 4:48 am
by brigante
Hellow, guys and gals:

I´m a ae user from spain and my english is not very good bad i´m gonna try to explain it with my english without use some
english translator. Thanks everybody¡¡

I know I need read any javascript guide before learn making express. bad I usually need make circular trajectories for several objects but i dont want they lose their orientation, that is, I dont want they rote, only that they displace along x, y space
maintaining their original position. Some body Know about it?

By the way, anybody know if there are academy, university or so on that offers masters, studies about expressions in Europe?

I make this questions because I and my jobpartner are very insteresting in it and we are try to organized a course for my

Thanks a lot and greetings from Spain.

Re: help, circular trajectorie expr. no modify the orientation.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 5:33 am
by Atomic

Re: help, circular trajectorie expr. no modify the orientation.

Posted: June 3rd, 2008, 7:19 am
by Dan Ebberts
You could use a trig expression for the motion and the layer won't rotate:

center = [thisComp.width, thisComp.height]/2;
radius = 50;
freq = 1;
angle = time*freq*Math.PI*2;
center + [Math.sin(angle), -Math.cos(angle)]*radius

Or, you could parent the layer to a null positioned at the center of the circle and add a counter-rotation expression to your layer's rotation property:

if (hasParent){

Then just rotate the null.


Re: help, circular trajectorie expr. no modify the orientation.

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 1:46 pm
by brigante
Hellow guys:

Dan, I ´ve been practising with your expressions and I have getted the results I was looking for.
Very grateful for your help and excuse for don´t reply before but Last weekI was very bussy in my work and
besides was moving so I couldn´t.
Thanks Atomic too.
I saw "the definitive guide of JavaScript of David Flanaghan", (is te guide that AE recommend) to study the chapters that the web motionsripts suggests is required to make expressions. The questions is:
Is this guide oriented to AE more than any other? or can I learn with some other too, I tell you this because
it cost 77 € I don´t mind if is necessary but is expensive, what do you advice?

Grateful, see you in the forum.

Re: help, circular trajectorie expr. no modify the orientation.

Posted: June 9th, 2008, 1:54 pm
by Dan Ebberts
It's the one I use, but like any JavaScript guide, it has a lot of web-specific stuff you'll probably never use. I'm sure there are other good guides out there, but I'm not familiar with them.
