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Command line scripting

Posted: April 15th, 2009, 6:29 am
by djbennyj

I had an idee.

I saw we could lanch scripts by command line.

It means, i could launch script remotely, with ssh for example.

But could i send dome variables?

I mean, if i build a PHP page, then add some form, with the shell_exec() function, i can lauch my scripts.

But could i send into AE, the value i entered in my php pagethen lanch my script, do some changes in my project wih the script, auto render my clip?

Re: Command line scripting

Posted: April 16th, 2009, 6:58 am
by Yenaphe
That could be possible.

Your php page could create a file on your server, something like "myparams.txt" and then in your script, #include it.

be sure your text file looks something like that:

option1 = "value1";
option2 = "value2";

etc so your script can use these variables.

Re: Command line scripting

Posted: April 17th, 2009, 12:47 am
by djbennyj
Wow, good iddea, the file creation.

If i succeed, i'll be able to launch my script without going to work ehehe