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Bypassing layer's frameBlending read-only limitation

Posted: June 19th, 2009, 1:04 pm
by nab
For some reasons the frameBlending attribute of an AVLayer is read-only, meaning that you cannot (via a script) set it to the type you want. I was working on a project in which most of the comps contained tons of layers (imported from a Premiere project). Some of these layers were time stretched and I wanted to set the frame blending type to Pixel Motion for these layers only.

Again the handy executeCommand function came to the rescue 8) :

Code: Select all

var comp = app.project.activeItem;
var cmd = "Pixel Motion";


if (comp instanceof CompItem)
	// deselect all
	while (comp.selectedLayers.length) comp.selectedLayers[0].selected = false;
	// loop through each layer
	for (var i = 1; i <= comp.numLayers; i++)
		var layer = comp.layer(i);
		// select current layer
		layer.selected = true;
		// set frame blending type to pixel motion 
		// when time stretch factor has been modified
		if (layer.stretch != 100)
		// deselect current layer
		layer.selected = false;
	// activate frame blending switch for the comp
	comp.frameBlending = true;
