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Setting a light layer's Light Type

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 9:38 am
by davestewart
Hey Hey,
Is there any way to do this via scripting alone? The default spotlight is NOT what I want in some cases...


Posted: March 13th, 2005, 2:49 am
by Paul Tuersley
I can't find any mention of it in the scripting guide. One workaround is to create a small support project containing one of each light type and get your script to import them. (can use this technique for text layers too).

Paul T

Posted: March 13th, 2005, 11:14 am
by davestewart
Thanks Paul, I'll look into that.
If it works, and for non-targeted Cameras as well, I owe you a beer.


Posted: March 13th, 2005, 11:52 am
by davestewart
I owe you that beer for sure!

I've created a library of non-scriptable objects (Point, Ambient, Parallel, Free Spot, Free Camera) and am able to import, copyToComp, and remove the imported items at the end.

Sweet stuff indeed! That's made my weekend, as it's killed 2 birds with one stone :)
