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A proper Coner Pin/Mesh Wrap tool for once

Posted: January 10th, 2011, 7:14 am
by Daniel_SW
Hello everyone, i'm aware that the standard Mesh Warp tools cannot be exposed to scripts and stuff, but so many times have i been in need for a proper way to track Mesh Warp vertices to tracker points for example.

I know that Power Pin for example is easy to do such thing with, but i need more than just four points this time, and i need to be able to use the beizer tangents to get controllable bending between the vertices.

Does anybody know if there is an third party plugin/tool/script made for this somehow? To have one of the most fundamental features of compositing so underdeveloped i find it so weird that Adobe themselves haven't reworked this tool yet. It would greatly benefit those who don't have Nuke, Fusion or Smoke to work with...

Any tips on how to get a long with this issue?

Re: A proper Coner Pin/Mesh Wrap tool for once

Posted: January 11th, 2011, 12:28 pm
by lloydalvarez
Have you checked out Tracker2Mask:

Also, I would highly recommend Re:Visions Re:Flex Warp as the best warping tool available for after effects:


Re: A proper Coner Pin/Mesh Wrap tool for once

Posted: January 13th, 2011, 8:21 am
by Daniel_SW
Thanks, i tried the demo or Flex Warp and i find it a good tool together with the TrackVIZ script, but not the thing i need for several reasons.

First, the Flex Warp tool seem to display the same distortion artifacts i get in Toxik/Composite when i use it's tool called Warp 2D, a tool that does exactly the same as Flex Warp.

The thing i want to do is to track a set of tracking points on a news paper page, and place an animated image on top of this sufrace.
As you can imagine this surface is not 100% flat so a corner pin just won't do the work. And this Flex Warp tool gives me inaccurate results when the points are bent too much, something i imagine wouldn't be occurring with a plain Mesh/Grid based warping tool because the grid would help to keep track of the distortion in the middle.

So by extensive testing in both AE and Toxik i'm afraid i need a grid based distortion tool to begin with.
Like Mesh Warp, except i can link individual control points to trackers.