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Great new scripting resource

Posted: April 1st, 2005, 6:37 am
by Disciple
I just found a really interesting new scripting site, held by someone who also codes for Useful Assistants :

A lot of cool scripts and good scripting theory

Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 10:10 am
by redefinery
Ah, someone found me out. :-) Thanks for the kind words.

Yeah, I hope to post more AE scripts and helpful tips in the future. I've been ramping up on AE's JavaScript interface, and it's been interesting to see how it compares to the UA Python interface. Definitely a little rough at the start, mainly because of my familiarity with UA (I wrote most of the assistants bundled in the package) and fleeting knowledge of JavaScript from my web development days.

Anyway, I hope you find my site useful. I'm trying to document my research/work as much as possible to help others learn about AE scripting.


Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 11:15 am
by davestewart
Hey Jeff,
Took a squiz at your site - some fun stuff in there!
One of the assistants was to do with changing auto-orientation... I couldn't find anything to do with this in the object model or scripting guide.

If this is a directly relating link to the AE UI via JS, would you care to share how this is done?


Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 11:37 am
by redefinery
Hi Dave,

I couldn't find it in the AE Scripting Guide either.

UA doesn't wrap AE's JavaScript interface with a Python interface -- it actually wraps AE's AEGP interface (available to plug-in developers) with a Python interface. The JavaScript and AEGP interfaces are not mirrors of each other (sadly), so there are some features available via JavaScript that aren't available via AEGP/UA, and vice versa. Neither is a superset of the other.

In UA, you can set various flags (switches) for a layer, such as Layer.Flag_LookAtCamera, Layer.Flag_AutoOrientRotation, and Layer.Flag_LookAtPOI. I don't see any equivalents in AE's JavaScript interface.

Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 12:26 pm
by davestewart
Fair enough then - no access to auto-orientation vis JS.
Does that mean I'll start having to write "proper" plug-ins? How easy is that by the way? I have a pretty wide range of programming experience...

Thanks for the reply, anyway,

Posted: April 2nd, 2005, 12:46 pm
by redefinery
If you need access to that functionality today, you can either write a Python script for UA (if you have that plug-in) or develop your own AEGP plug-in. The AE SDK is publicly available here, but I don't have any personal experience using it. I didn't write the core UA plug-in.

I've submitted a feature request to the AE team to add the auto-orientation functionality to the JavaScript interface.


Posted: April 3rd, 2005, 2:41 am
by davestewart
Thanks Jeff,
I've taken a look at the SDK. What a funny and well-written document! Looks like the core plugins are written in C and C++, which I don't know yet. A few years down the line, I'll be learning these, but not right now, so that calls time on that one then.

Thanks for your help,

Posted: April 3rd, 2005, 1:54 pm
by vidpat
The SDK takes a bit of getting used to. There are some areas that are well document and others that are hardly documented at all. Some of the APIs that are in C++ are being deprecated in favor of C while other suites in C are being newly wrapped in C++. You can write everything in C using the C++ and C APIs and everything will be fine.

The bulk of the functionality of AEGPs doesn't differ all that much from the scripting API. Nothing in the AEGP API refers explicitly to Auto Orientation of layers or the like. So, if it is possible to set the property from an AEGP (as does UA), I imagine that it is a stream property which may actually be similarly set through the scripting API.


Posted: April 3rd, 2005, 11:45 pm
by redefinery

If you're looking for the AEGP function for setting the auto-orientation values, I believe it's the AEGP_SetLayerFlag() function (and AEGP_LayerFlag_AUTO_ORIENT_ROTATION, AEGP_LayerFlag_LOOK_AT_CAMERA, and AEGP_LayerFlag_LOOK_AT_POI flags) on page 180 of the SDK Guide for AE 6.5.

Posted: April 4th, 2005, 7:05 am
by byronnash
redefinery, welcome to the forum! It's great to have someone of your experience on board.

rd: utilities - helpful functions for use in your scripts

Posted: April 21st, 2005, 2:41 pm
by redefinery
Hey folks,

I just posted a new utility script called "rd: utilities" to my site at:

It's a script containing helpful functions for accessing various AE objects. There's a link on the page that describes how to install and use it, and includes a quick reference of the included functions.

I hope you find them useful. Let me know if you encounter any problems with them or if you have suggestions for new utility functions.


Posted: April 22nd, 2005, 7:37 am
by byronnash
That looks really helpful, thanks!