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Listbox Woes

Posted: March 15th, 2011, 5:33 pm
by philspitler
Hi, I am having a few issues with my listbox UI.

It is looking pretty good but there are a few issues:

a) no close button ( I have closeButton: true in my script)

b) I can't copy the data to the clipboard (I can select the items but they don't make it into the clipboard)

c) I can't get the headings in the list box ( I tried this).
var list = dlg.add ("ListBox", [0, 0, 400, box_height], "a", {numberOfColumns: 5, showHeaders: true, columnTitles: ["Layer", "In", "Out"], multiselect: true});

And I get an "uncaught exception add" error.

Below is my script, any help would be great.



var myComp = app.project.activeItem;
var myLayers = myComp.selectedLayers;
var dlg = new Window("dialog", "Analyze Edit", undefined, {closeButton: true});
var box_height = myLayers.length *17;

var list = dlg.add ("ListBox", [0, 0, 400, box_height], "a", {numberOfColumns: 5, multiselect: true});

for (var i = 0; i <= myLayers.length -1 ; i++){

var layerName =;
var layer_in = myLayers.inPoint / myComp.frameDuration;
var layer_out = myLayers.outPoint / myComp.frameDuration;
var layer_time = myLayers.startTime / myComp.frameDuration ;
var source_name = layerName;
var source_in = Math.ceil(layer_in - layer_time);
var source_out = Math.ceil(layer_out - layer_time);

var item1 = list.add ("item");
item1.subItems[0].text =i+1;
item1.subItems[1].text = source_name;
item1.subItems[2].text = source_in;
item1.subItems[3].text = source_out;
} //end loop;

Re: Listbox Woes

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 4:35 pm
by vfxman
I just posted my solution for the Extendscript vs. AE error you had at :

Here's the code again though:

Code: Select all

var res = "dialog\
myListbox: ListBox { alignment:['fill','fill'], properties:{\
	multiselect:true, \
	numberOfColumns:5, \
	showHeaders:true, \
	columnTitles: ['Header 1', 'Header 2', 'Header 3', 'Header 4', 'Header 5', ]}\

var myPalette = new Window(res);	//Creates Window

///	Row 1 Contents
var myItem1 = myPalette.myListbox.add ('item', 'Cell 1-1');
	myItem1.subItems[0].text = 'Cell 1-2';
	myItem1.subItems[1].text = 'Cell 1-3';

///	Row 2 Contents
var myItem2 = myPalette.myListbox.add ('item', 'Cell 2-1');
	myItem2.subItems[0].text = 'Cell 2-2';
	myItem2.subItems[1].text = 'Cell 2-3';

///	Row 3 Contents
var myItem3 = myPalette.myListbox.add ('item', '');
	myItem3.subItems[0].text = '';
	myItem3.subItems[1].text = '';;	//Shows final Window with contents

As for the Close button modify the "res" variable like so:

Code: Select all

var res = "dialog\
closeBut: Button{text: 'CLOSE'},\
myListbox: ListBox { alignment:['fill','fill'], properties:{\
   multiselect:true, \
   numberOfColumns:5, \
   showHeaders:true, \
   columnTitles: ['Header 1', 'Header 2', 'Header 3', 'Header 4', 'Header 5', ]}\
The function of the Close button would be like so:

Code: Select all


Re: Listbox Woes

Posted: March 16th, 2011, 10:44 pm
by philspitler
Thanks David,

Your listbox worked like a charm but I still have a few issues.

Once the listbox is displayed, AE is "locked out" until I press escape which close the window.

To me, it seems like this is a different type of window than usual, the window I have with my "go" button is fine I can use AE perfectly until I hit go.

Also, the window with my go button has a close button by default and my list box doesn't.

And 3rd, I still cannot copy the data to the clipboard.

Here is my code.

Thanks again.


Code: Select all

var myPalette = buildUI(this);

if (myPalette != null && myPalette instanceof Window) {

function buildUI (thisObject) {

if (thisObject instanceof Panel) {
	var myWindow = thisObject;
	} else { 
    var myWindow = new Window ("palette", "Analyze");

		myWindow.myPanel = myWindow.add("group");
		myWindow.myPanel.orientation = "column";
		myWindow.myPanel.okButton = myWindow.myPanel.add("button");
		myWindow.myPanel.okButton.text = "Analyze Edit";

		myWindow.myPanel.okButton.onClick = function () { // wait for the Anaylyze Button
return myWindow;
} //function buildUI () 

function ok_pressed(){ // main function
var myComp = app.project.activeItem;	
var myLayers = myComp.selectedLayers;

if (myLayers.length < 1) {alert ("Select some layers");}

else {

var res = "dialog\
myListbox: ListBox { alignment:['fill','fill'], properties:{\
   multiselect:true, \
   numberOfColumns:5, \
   showHeaders:true, \
   columnTitles: ['Layer Name', 'Source In', 'Source Out', 'Edit In', 'Edit Out', ]}\

var listPalette = new Window(res);   //Creates List Window

 for (var i = 0; i <= myLayers.length -1 ; i++){ // loop through all layers
    var layerName = myLayers[i].name;
    var layer_in = myLayers[i].inPoint / myComp.frameDuration;
    var layer_out = myLayers[i].outPoint / myComp.frameDuration;
    var layer_time = myLayers[i].startTime / myComp.frameDuration ;
    var source_name = layerName;
    var source_in =  Math.ceil(layer_in - layer_time);
    var source_out =  Math.ceil(layer_out - layer_time);
   var myItem1 = listPalette.myListbox.add ('item', source_name); // fill out the list
   myItem1.subItems[0].text = source_in;
   myItem1.subItems[1].text = source_out;
   myItem1.subItems[2].text = Math.ceil(layer_in);
   myItem1.subItems[3].text = Math.ceil(layer_out);
    } //end loop;   //Shows final Window with contents

    }   // end functiobn

}  // end if