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Script to reveal property

Posted: September 17th, 2012, 2:05 pm
by Iaenic
Is there any object that will allow you to expand/twirldown a specific property? To be honest, I just want to make a button that expands keyframed properties without expanding properties with only expressions on them. (I know about the U, Shift+EE trick, but that hides properties with both keyframes and expressions on them so it's not ideal).

I know people have been crying for this insanely simple little feature since at least 2009 and Adobe still hasn't gotten around to it yet, hence my research on seeing if scripts can take care of it. So far i'm drawing lots of blanks...

Re: Script to reveal property

Posted: October 8th, 2012, 2:58 pm
by Alan Eddie
I think all the scripting elements are there to do it....don't think there is a shortcut.

There is a property.elided function // property.expressionEnabled//property.isTimeVarying etc.

So you would be able to differentiate between animated and just expression animated.
See page 118 of the scripting guide...