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Rototracking palette for AE (6.5, 7, CS3)

Posted: December 18th, 2005, 12:19 am
by thehardme
June 2008: v1.3 script update. Fixes the cause of memory errors when converting track points to a mask. Thanks to Michael Natkin.
Download ... tAE1.1.jsx ... /RotAE.jsx (old version)

Many people ask if roto tracking is possible at all with AE. It can be done with some plugins, yes but I always wondered if I could do it just with scripting.

Based on an old script Dan Ebberts wrote fast on the COW forums, a friend of mine, Juan Córcoles, and I saw possible to do some things:

1) Set up a tracker where all trackpoints correspond to a max vertex. (not just four, but as many as needed)
2) Make each vertex of a mask follow each trackpoint of a tracker. Not in real time, it's a pity, but once when the tracking has been done.
3) Also, correct some issues of making a mask with multiple independent points, such as a vertex going where it shouldn't go. Half of the script focuses on interpolating vertex and tangents regadless of the keyframes inbetween.

Two things are really missed here: One is to attach the masks to the trackers in real time, but as you know, expressions are not suitable for mask shapes without plugins. The other, that as far as I know, a script can't know which vertices are selected when it's executed.

The script works as well as the built in tracker in AE can be. This means it can make very nice works with objects that don't change much. For many jobs there will be need for manual work, as always happens with rotoscoping. First make a mask around the object you want to track, select it and click on Apply Tracker. It will instantly create the trackpoints. Now it's your choice if you want to handle them all at the same time or not. As you probably know, there's an eye next to the tracker makes them visible or not visible. Invisible trackers do not track when you push the play button in the tracker controls. When you are finished, select the tracker and the mask you made together and click on Apply Mask. It will now be animated.

For those changes in the image of unnacuracy of the trackpoints, use the other half of the palete. When you feel you should alter a tangent or vertex from one point in time to another, insert a layer marker where you want to make the adjustments and one before and one after the places where it's gone wrong. The interpolator script will make a linear movements of either the vertex or the tangents. Only keyframes between markers for a single vertex of its two tangents will altered.

For selecting which vertex to change, use the << < > >> buttons to set the first vertex (the big one) at these places. Do not use the Use first vertex feature of AE, because it will completely change the structure of the mask in a single keyframe and screw up the interpolation.

The script is far from perfect. Juan, the main coder, had to stop working on it some time ago, and I feel I won't have anymore time from now on, so I decided to correct the main issues alone and build the palette, even if there are some little problems, I think it can be helpful. It has already been quite useful for me, even more than what I expected.

I think that's all. As I said, I am afraid I won't have time to improve it, so to anyone who likes the script, feel free to play around with it.

Alejandro Pérez

Posted: December 19th, 2005, 6:23 am
by Disciple
Amazing you took the time to build this! I think it is probably the first time a mask can be attached to a tracker from within AE!
I'm going to give it a spin asap.


Roto Script

Posted: December 21st, 2005, 5:39 pm
by glennser
I saw your post on Creative Cow a couple of days ago, referring to this, downloaded the script and have to say I was a bit doubtful at the time but I just tried it and it's really blown me away. You are a genius!!!
Glenn Stewart
1k Studios

Posted: November 28th, 2006, 9:45 pm
by hype
wow, this script is absolutely astounding, and should be purchased by Adobe and included in AE's future releases!

This kind of functionality is one of the main selling points of Silhouette Roto, and here it is for free!

Thanks a million for this!


Posted: November 30th, 2006, 12:04 pm
by thehardme
Wow, thanks for the feedback.

Posted: December 1st, 2006, 1:50 am
by hype
an interesting note with this script...

when i first tried it, it worked flawlessly. ever since then, it doesn't seem to want to create the track points when I click on "Apply Tracker". instead I get an error message. It's no big deal, I just quickly set up a tracker with the correct number of track points manually, then use the "Apply Mask" button to apply it to the mask. But just thought I should mention it. This is in AE 7, if that maybe has anything to do with it.

I did a video tutorial and used it in the tutorial.

I'm also really trying to spread the word about this amazing script!

Posted: December 14th, 2006, 3:50 am
by thehardme
Hi Hype.

I am watching your video tutorial right now (needless to say I'm flattered). I believe there's a bug that relates to the position of the layer within the timeline. I recomend you to put the layer in the first place before you hit the apply tracker button.

Posted: December 14th, 2006, 10:47 pm
by hype
you mean make it layer number 1? interesting... i'll try it!

I've already taken this script to one of the Hollywood FX places I work at sometimes. It's just a little shop, but we've worked on some pretty big movies, like "Meet the Fockers", "Austin Powers", "Benchwarmers", things like that. They love it there. I seriously think this is the best AE script I've ever seen in my life. thanks again for this one! Until AE ships with this feature, I will tell every user I know about it!

Posted: December 15th, 2006, 12:10 pm
by thehardme
Yep, that seems to be the bug. Hope I can get time on christmas to debug.

Btw, your post made my day.

Edit: It happened to be a stupid redundant check at the beginning of the button code. Fixed. Please if you use it, tell me about it.

Posted: December 15th, 2006, 9:29 pm
by hype
i'm pretty tied up the next few days, but i will definitely give the new version a whirl and see what happens ASAP! thanks for the debugging!

Posted: March 15th, 2007, 1:42 pm
by mutasi13
hello guys! I actually never use script in after effect before. I just start using the program 6 months ago and i like it alot. I'm glad to found out this forum and script that i might use alot, since i like doing rotoscoping/tracking. On the other hand, I'm wondering how do I download the script RotAE JSX file. I had paste the script on the notepad and save it as RotAE1.1.jsx , but it doesnt work. I would very be appreciated if anybody can help or send me the script RotAE. Have a good day! :P

sorry about my poor english! :D

Posted: March 15th, 2007, 2:36 pm
by hype
all you really have to do is click the link up above in the first post for the RotAE1.1.
your computer should ask you where to save it. Just pick a place, click ok, and now the jsx file will be on your computer. put it in your AE scripts folder, and it will then show up in the scripts menu in AE (you'll have to restart AE after copying it into the scripts folder).

you shouldn't have to open up the script in notepad at all. you shouldn't ever have to look at the script code if you don't want to. :)

hope this helps!

Posted: July 31st, 2007, 3:08 pm
by hype
anyone check this script yet on AE CS3? I just ordered my upgrade, and am really hoping this still works!

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 4:03 am
by Marvin
hype wrote:anyone check this script yet on AE CS3? I just ordered my upgrade, and am really hoping this still works!
It works fine on CS3.

Posted: August 20th, 2007, 12:36 pm
by thehardme
Good to know, thanks! Thread title updated.