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image in UI window?

Posted: May 25th, 2006, 9:36 am
by lloydalvarez
anybody know if it is possible to put an image in a UI window?

Posted: May 26th, 2006, 10:14 am
by bradshaw1965
Hi Lloyd,

I've been using the Adobe Bridge Javascript Reference (warning PDF link) as the most completely documented UI reference. They have reference to two UI controls called Iconbutton and Image, but when I attempt to use these controls in AE7, I get a Unknown UI element type 'image' and Unknown UI element type 'iconbutton' when I attempt to use the control as documented.

My guess is since the Bridge reference works as documented on most other controls and that the Adobe Apps are moving towards a consistent cross-app, cross-platform interface that these controls will eventually be supported in AE, but that's just a guess. It's also possible I'm using the control incorrectly.


Controls not available in AE

Posted: May 26th, 2006, 11:07 pm
by redefinery
Unfortunately, the iconbutton, image, and progressbar controls are not supported in AE 7.
