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Select a Layer

Posted: October 4th, 2004, 11:41 pm
by ckelley
Wondering if it is possible, and if so what is the syntax so I can select a layer in my timeline... I do not need to check if one is already selected, I need to actually have the script select the layer - i.e. - "if X effect is applied, Select the layer" or similar.

Chris Kelley

Posted: October 5th, 2004, 4:57 am
by byronnash
You can select a layer either by number or name.


I think you might be able to put the layer name instead of the index but I haven't tried that lately. example: app.project.item(1).layer("Solid 3");

Here is an example of how you might set this up in a script.
//sets the project to a variable
var proj = app.project;

//sets the first item in the project to a variable. Assuming it's a comp.
var myComp = proj.item(1);

//sets the 3rd layer to a variable. You could then use the variable to acess the layer in scripting.
var myTextLayer = myComp.layer(3);

Hope that helps.

Posted: October 9th, 2004, 6:35 am
by Paul Tuersley
Here's a script that checks all layers in a comp to see if they've got the Levels effect applied. If Levels is found, that layer will become selected in the Timeline window. It sounds like the ".selected = true" bit is what you were looking for.

Paul T

Code: Select all

	// make sure a comp is selected 
	var activeItem = app.project.activeItem; 
	if (activeItem == null || !(activeItem instanceof CompItem)){ 
		alert("You need to select a comp first."); 

	} else { 
		// create loop to check each layer in comp.
		for (var f = 1; f <= activeItem.numLayers; ++f) {
			currentLayer = activeItem.layer(f);
			alert("Searching layer " + f + ": " +;

			// search top level properties for "Effects"
			for (var g = 1; g <= currentLayer.numProperties; ++g) {
				if ( == "Effects") {
					currentEffects =;

					// check each of the effects
					for (var h = 1; h <= currentEffects.numProperties; ++h) {
						thisEffect =;

						// select layer if it contains the Levels effect.
						if (thisEffect.matchName == "ADBE Easy Levels") {
							alert("Levels found on layer: " + + ".\rSelecting the layer.");
							currentLayer.selected = true;

Posted: October 10th, 2004, 11:22 pm
by ckelley
Thanks alot guys, this should do the trick.

Chris Kelley