Need help setting up a UI

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Posts: 2
Joined: September 10th, 2013, 8:41 am

Hi everyone! I'm trying writing a script with at the top a tabbed panel and at the bottom a text line with my copyright, the problem is that when I run the script, the text appears ON the tabbed panel, this is my code UI:

Code: Select all

res = "group{orientation:'cloumn', alignment:['bottom', 'top'],\
                myTabbedPanel: Panel{type:'tabbedpanel', alignment:['fill', 'center'],\
                    myTab1: Panel{type:'tab', text:'Tab1',\
                        myTabContent1: Button{text:'tab button'},\
                        myDropDownList: DropDownList{properties:{items:['HIII','HELLO!']}},\
                    myTab2: Panel{type:'tab', text:'Tab2',\
                        myTabContent2: RadioButton{text:'radio tab button'},\
                    myTab3: Panel{type:'tab', text:'Tab3',\
                groupOne: Group{orientation:'row', alignment:['fill', 'bottom'],\
                    myCopy: StaticText{text:'MY TEXT'},\
                    myURL: Button{text:'Visit Website', preferredSize:['140', '30']},\
this is the script running
this is the script running
Cattura2.PNG (3.74 KiB) Viewed 7509 times
Paul Tuersley
Posts: 704
Joined: June 5th, 2004, 7:59 am
Location: London, UK

You spelt column wrong on the first line.

Also, I've no idea what alignment:['bottom', 'top'] will do. The first value should indicate the horizontal behaviour, so left, right, center or fill.

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